Executive Summary 2019

Executive Summary 11 The findings from this research point towards the following key recommendations for practice in both the care sector and the arts sector: • To promote collective well-being and meaningful relationships in the care home community; arts practitioners should consider a relationship-focused approach, which builds on the strengths and abilities of all those involved in the activity. • To recognise that all care home staff have an important role in the planning and delivery of participatory arts activities for residents, but should also have the opportunity to participate themselves and by doing so may learn new relational skills and approaches with residents. • To be aware that activities coordinators have a key role in providing and supporting participatory arts activities in care homes. Recognition of this role to include job descriptions which acknowledge the core skills and qualities involved in this work, with training opportunities in participatory arts approaches. • To ensure that arts organisations working with older people in care homes work with care homes to find ways to leave a positive legacy through providing resources or training of care home staff to increase sustainability. • To promote opportunities for arts organisations to share learning and best practice for working with older people in care homes to enhance their approach, to explore possibilities for collaboration, and the potential for impact on social relationships within the home and the wider community. • The development of a Participatory Arts in Care Homes Network that brings together care home staff with arts organisations and individual artists, as well as others who may have an interest in this area, would strengthen the potential for this work to make a difference. With increased funding and opportunities for partnership working, participatory arts in care homes has the potential to make a valuable contribution to addressing the loneliness agenda and enhancing overall collective well-being of older people in care homes. Recommendations