ARU Research Report 2019
The Up Project 29 What Should the Up Project Look like in the Future? There were a number of suggestions made by care home staff and children for the Up project going forward. Other activities were suggested by both groups, such as performances, shared dinners and outings. Children were keen for others to experience the project and suggested younger years could also take part in visits, as well as other schools and care homes: ‘I think other schools should experience it, because I feel like it’s just not us who should get the opportunity to go and do this, because I really, really love going to see all the elderly people, and I think that other care homes, not all care homes probably have many visitors going, so I think it would be really nice for other children to go and experience other care homes, and for other care homes to experience what it’s like to have children coming to sit with you and play with you all the time.’ (Child 6)
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