ARU Research Report 2019

The Up Project 7 ‘A feel very happy and confident about it but some people don’t.’ The Visits Once a week, for one term a group of 12-15 Year 6 pupils visit Longfields care home. The groups are formed from two Year 6 classes, groupings rotate to insure that each pupil has the opportunity to attend. During the visits around 10 older adults attend each week, attendance varies, as does who chooses to take part. Older adults are supported by one consistent member of the care home staff and other staff assist if and when needed. Following each visit, the school staff that accompany children will respond to any questions that might arise from the visits, for example explaining a condition one of the older adults might have and how it affects their ability to take part in activities. Any incidents which might occur during the course of a visit, for example an older adult with dementia becoming confused or agitated, are dealt with as they occur by school staff. Using modelling, school staff demonstrate positive behavioural and verbal responses the children can emulate to respond in a way which might diffuse, distract or comfort an older adult. After each final visit to the care home children complete a new Blob Tree, again accompanied by a sentence. Children are able to choose a different blob that they feel represents any progress they have made in relation of their feelings about visiting the care home, examples of some the changes expressed by children are seen in Figure 3.