2 Dare To Imagine DEDICATION This report is dedicated to all those care home residents, staff, families and loved ones everywhere who died or were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Report production This report is based on the Artists’ Residencies in Care Homes (ARCH) project, that was funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation. It has been produced in collaboration with all project partners. Magic Me authored sections one and three with contributions from Anglia Ruskin University on the impact of Covid-19. The sections about each partner and their residency were written by those organisations. The Anglia Ruskin University research team devised the project evaluation, collected and analysed the data, and authored sections five, six, and seven on the research approach, research findings, and recommendations from the project. They also edited the final report. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the care homes and their staff members, residents, and their family members who gave up their time to take part in this study and the arts organisations and artists. Without everyone’s active participation this research could not have taken place. Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) The ARU research team was led by Professor Hilary Bungay and co-led by Professor Carol Munn-Giddings prior to her retirement in 2021. Dr Ceri Wilson and Anna Dadswell were coresearchers throughout the project. Hilary, Carol, Ceri and Anna all have specialist expertise in researching arts, health and wellbeing, and in using qualitative and creative research methods. The team previously conducted the Arts Council England-funded Creative Journeys project which explored the impact of participatory arts activities on the social relationships of older people in care home settings. They have published widely on the impacts of the arts on older people and in care home settings. Dr Ceri Wilson (Co-Investigator) is a Senior Research Fellow in Mental Health and lead author for this report Anna Dadswell (Co-Investigator) is a Research Fellow in Social Work and Social Policy Professor Hilary Bungay (Principal Investigator) is a Professor of Arts for Health and Wellbeing Professor Carol Munn-Giddings (Co-Principal Investigator 2019-2021) is an Emeritus Professor of Participative Inquiry & Collaborative Practice Cover photo: Rich Rusk