Full Report 5 Aims of the ARCH programme Magic Me developed a Theory of Change for the four-year Artists’ Residencies in Care Homes (ARCH) programme. The aims were that on its completion: • Four participating Excelcare homes have improved relationships and understanding between staff and residents, informed by arts practice. • The care sector has raised expectations of what the arts can be and do in care homes and has been inspired and challenged to integrate them into the culture of homes and the lives of residents. • The four arts partners have increased understanding, skills and confidence working with care homes and are committed to building this work into their future programmes. • Magic Me is stronger, with increased evidence, expertise and understanding of the practice and potential of the arts in care homes; strong working partnerships and profile across a wider geography; and is thus better positioned to influence others and attract future investment. The original timeline The original timeline shifted significantly due to the disruption and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: an overview of both the original and the actual timelines are shown below. Original timeline Phase 1: Research & development (R&D) Between October 2019 – March 2020 Focus on building relationships between the care home and arts partners Test ideas through arts partner delivering activity in care home Phase 2: Main residency Between April 2020 – March 2021 Larger scale residency takes place Phase 3: Learning and legacy Between April 2021 – March 2022 Arts partner and care home together identify learning and find ways to create legacy for the home ARU Research Report published and findings shared with arts and care sectors Further dissemination and development April 2022 - March 2023 Actual timeline Phase 1: Research & development (R&D) Between October 2019 – March 2020 Focus on building relationships between the care home and arts partners Test ideas through arts partner delivering activity in care home Covid-19 disruption From March 2020 – ongoing Care homes and much of the UK went through various stages of lockdown and restrictions The ARCH programme stopped, though partners kept in touch where possible and some remote/distanced work took place in 2021 Phase 2: Main residency Between April 2022 – March 2023 Larger scale residency took place Phase 3: Learning and legacy Between October 2022 – March 2023 Arts partner and care home together identify learning and find ways to create legacy for the home Further dissemination and development Between January 2023 – ongoing ARU Research Report published and findings shared with arts and care sectors