ARU Magic Me - ARCH Project - Dare To Imagine

Full Report 63 …having [artists] doing things with the residents and our staff observing and seeing them, what a difference it will make to the residents…for [staff] to realise, “Okay, so if I…get more involved in activity with the residents” …once you guys leave, at least they can say… “How great it was for the residents…let us try and continue.” Care home pre-residency Photo: Roswitha Chesher Creative outputs and endings Leaving something behind in the form of creative outputs was seen as a crucial part of building legacy that will last beyond the residency, in terms of something collective for the care home, but also something tangible for the residents to take away from each session. …there has always got to be something [residents] can, in theory, take away with them, be that like an object, or something they’re shown, or something that they’ve done. I think that tangibility of stuff is quite important…it has ripple effects… Arts organisation post-residency The tangibility of creative outputs was discussed as “really powerful” in helping care home staff, as well as family members, see how they could be involved in the ARCH programme, for example in creating a film or a photobook from the residencies. Photographs and photobooks were identified as a useful tool to encourage family and care home staff involvement that had captured “moments” and “fond memories” for the residents and “can be left for residents to reminisce”. Certainly, building towards something that would continue to have impact beyond the life of the project – and the life of the residents – was important and galvanised support from the Lifestyle Coordinators, as one remarked “you’ve got it forever”. The films created by two arts organisations celebrated the residents and care home staff through high quality art; however, it was emphasised that “it is balancing the experience of everybody… staff and residents in those moments with the art”. The films were made for the residents and care home communities with the focus on their experience of engaging, making, and telling stories that were captured to provide a lasting memory. [The film] has had an effect from the residents all the way through to management…I don’t think they would have engaged in the same way without the output of the quality of film that has been made, and seeing that level of performance…that level of art in this space…and it’s about celebrating them. Arts organisation post-residency The launch film screenings brought the whole care home together – including Care Home Managers and Excelcare – to experience the impact of the arts, with one care home staff member stating: “you actually can’t believe how powerful it is, it’s amazing”. This was a particularly special event for residents, described as “one of the best things for them… to