ARU Magic Me - ARCH Project - Dare To Imagine

Full Report 69 implementation. It is very helpful to have designated ‘link staff’ who promote the importance of the work in care homes and emphasise the support for the programme from senior management. 4. Lifestyle Coordinators have a key role in keeping momentum, advocating for the work to wider care staff, and serving as a lynchpin in the relationships between the arts organisation and the care home. However, Lifestyle Coordinators should not be solely responsible for the programme and need to be supported in this role by care home management. 5. Allow time for building care home staff confidence to promote engagement. Facilitated through: • Introduction days with creative activity taster session • R&D sessions prior to residency • Artists spending time being present in the care home • Artists providing additional sessions with care home staff • Artists’ approach to working (see point 6) • Senior management in care homes allowing time for, and encouraging staff to engage. 6. Artists bring essential experience and skills (creative, organisational, communication) to the programme. Impact is achieved in care homes through artists taking an ambitious, humane, flexible and adaptable approach, and seeing residents and care home staff as creatives. Artists should also carefully consider how to best utilise space in care homes for their creative practice. 7. Creating opportunities for peer support and learning between the artists and arts organisations throughout the programme builds the partner community and enables the ongoing sharing of good practice e.g. finding ways to share practice on balancing active and passive engagement and involving residents with different abilities. Facilitated through: • Regular catch ups with all arts organisations and host organisation (if available) • All participant evaluation days at key milestones in the programme (including separate break out rooms for artists and care home staff). 8. Ensuring the arts organisations and artists are prepared and supported to work in care home settings, to work with people with dementia and other physical and cognitive impairments, and in supporting care home staff who have endured trauma through the pandemic, is essential for building artists’ confidence, protecting their wellbeing, and helping to ensure inclusive practice. Facilitated through: • Training for artists (prior to visiting care homes and ongoing) • Arts organisation managers providing ongoing support, and opportunities for reflection, with freelance artists • R&D sessions in the care home • Having time to engage with and be present in the care home.