Brentwood Prep Incipe 2019

Brentwood School Preparatory 14 This is a time of year for celebration. Today our students and their families – indeed the whole School community – can justly celebrate another successful year at Brentwood. You might expect me to be biased on these occasions so I will turn to the subjective views of others. Most notably, the Independent Schools Inspectorate who visited us in February for a full compliance and educational quality inspection. We were justifiably thrilled to be judged as being ‘Excellent’ in all aspects. This follows on the exact same outcome as the previous inspection of 2013 and demonstrates the relentless pursuit of ongoing improvement. All of our students daily demonstrate success in the classroom, on the sporting field and in the Arts. Importantly, they also demonstrate success as well-rounded and mature young boys and girls; inquiring, caring, thoughtful members of both the School and wider communities. They are the living embodiment of our wonderful school motto of Virtue, Learning and Manners and we are proud of each and every one of them regardless of whether or not they make it onto this stage today. All pupils have had times of celebration, success and enjoyment this year, and they should all reflect on a job well done since last September. An Extract from the Headmaster’s speech Prize Giving Prize Giving is always a special date in the Prep School’s calendar. It is the day when the children, staff and Headmaster celebrate and reflect on another action packed year. It is not only about the giving of prizes, more the coming together as a school to be proud of all of our achievements. From the sports field and the classroom to acts of kindness and friendship. It is a celebration of the School’s motto of Virtue, Learning and Manners. This year our guest speaker was extremely special as it was our own Senior School Headmaster, Mr Davies. He retired at the end of Trinity term so it was a great honour that he presented the prizes this year. The Year Sixes all received their year books which are beautiful mementos of their time at the school. These were painstakingly put together by parent volunteers and FoBS. After a tear jerking montage of the year in photos, the children, staff and parents returned to school for our Open Day where the children showed their parents around the school and took part in many activities that showcased just a few of the many clubs that the school has on offer. It was a memorable day for all involved.