Brentwood Prep Incipe 2019

48 Classroom Chronicles - Reception Arcimboldo Reception children like vegetables! They all had super fun looking at their shape and colour and used them to make faces in the style of the artist Arcimboldo, guessing who was hiding behind the vegetables. The children then helped to make snacks - they washed the vegetables first then used peelers to prepare the potatoes and carrots for cooking. The highlight was the feast they all enjoyed for snack time! Brentwood School Preparatory Reception started their Moving Along topic with an amazing bike day. All the children brought their bike or scooter to school for the day and thoroughly enjoyed themselves riding around the playground. The children wore their helmets for safety and had to be good playground users by keeping an eye out for others, adjusting their speed to avoid other riders. Some of the children even decided to be traffic police just to make sure that everything went smoothly! They were all very interested in the different types and sizes of bikes and scooters, and so the children went on to compare how long and tall they were. The children were most intrigued to find that just because a scooter was the tallest it didn’t always mean it would be the longest. The children also counted wheels and had fun finding out who had most wheels, although the real kudos was in having the fewest! It was good to see some of our children riding their bikes independently without stabilisers. The children went on to make creative and detailed models of different vehicles to show the rest of the class, including cars, trucks, buses, fire engines, rockets, jets and even transformers! Each child proudly and confidently talked to the class about their models and used good vocabulary to describe how each part was made and why particular colours were chosen. They listened with great enthusiasm to how different models were created noticing some parts and resources were the same as in their own models and spotting new ways to attach items. A great topic! Moving Along