Brentwood Prep Incipe 2019
Brentwood School Preparatory 81 Art Week Prep 3-7 biannual Arts Week was a great success. The theme of ‘Trees’ was chosen to link in with our fabulous Forest School sessions. The children explored different skills and techniques and produced some truly wonderful work. During their Forest School sessions the children discovered different art activities dotted around the wood; from mud painting on trees and sheets to making tree rubbings. Valentine’s Day coincided with Art Week so the children thought about why they loved trees and wrote messages to hang on a tree in reception. All of the children made leaves to go on a tree display in the foyer and they also worked with an artist to create leaves from clay for a tree mural. Year Two embraced the theme of ‘Trees’ by starting with charcoal sketches of winter trees. The children then progressed to creating individual collaged pictures and finally a huge, collaborative canvas for their wonderful classroom display. A truly striking masterpiece! The children were delighted to explore new skills while working with a selection of different media to create a range of trees. They were challenged to make a tree for each season, which brought about lots of discussion about contrasting weather and a variety of colours that we could make using paint. The children learnt to wrap string, use masking tape, print, dab, paint with brushes and fingers, stick and model clay all in a week! A stunning selection of work was created and the children noticed the beauty of trees and their different leaves, colours and patterns throughout the year. The grand finale of the week was when all the children had the opportunity to create a spectacular clay mural with a guest artist. The result was the colourful clay tree which can be found through the wrought iron gate where the Year One children exit school. The tree, with the inspirational words of Chris Hatt alongside, is a wonderful reminder of a truly special week.
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