Brentwoodian 2019

106 ARMY The year started with a bang with the biennial inspection and the visiting Senior Army Inspecting Officer, Old Brentwood, Brigadier Oliver Brown. He took a trip down memory lane as he joined the Army troops on our October overnight exercise. Here the initial phase went smoothly as Cadre Company seamlessly followed harbour routines and set up their base for the night. RSM Hill and Asst SSI Dagg ensured the transition from school to harbour went smoothly. Preparations were made and orders were given to Cadet RSM Merrell and Cadet RQ Chapman. Then the rain arrived. The Army Section took over a harbour area in a one- kilometre wooded square in the heart of Kent and got drenched. “ If it’s not raining it’s not training ” was a quote which served to wind up the troops still further. The cadets carried on regardless. Accompanied by Brigadier Oliver Brown, the night search and stalk was truly hampered by an almost complete absence of any light restricted by the thick overhead canopy. Despite the lack of visibility the overnight operation was a success; with the intel gathered and plans in place, it allowed the Army troops to fully engage enemy forces the following morning in a series of in-depth section and platoon attacks; another successful mission completed by Army Cadre Company. Whilst Cadre enjoyed a wet night in bashas, Commando Company had the joy of training at school. The training was intensive and included navigation, close quarter battle drills (with paintball guns) and casevac stands to name a few. During the remainder of the Michaelmas term cadets from Cadre and Commando Companies continued a rigorous training routine. This included a weapons-handling weekend in November where the bulk of Commando Company successfully passed their weapons- handling test. Lent Term saw the introduction of Basic Company as the Third Year joined the CCF Army. Over 90 cadets were issued kit and initial training which was overseen by the new Asst. SSI C Sgt. Sell. Over the initial weeks the cadets enjoyed(?) an introduction to kit and drill.