Brentwoodian 2019

117 Aside from teaching, Miss Collins enjoys netball and travelling. The most fascinating place she has visited is Vietnam. She would love to be able to teleport, as this would certainly help her love for travelling. Her last meal on earth would be curry, followed by mint chocolate chip ice cream. Her favourite movie is Law Abiding Citizen. Jessica Collins Miss Cooper decided to become an English teacher because it is the subject to rival all subjects. When not reading English literature, she loves playing guitar and listening to RnB. Her favourite book is Nabokov’s Speak Memory and her favourite song is Ain't Nobody by Chaka Khan. The most exciting place she has visited was Mykonos and she wishes she had the superpower of time travel so that she could relive her experiences there. The childhood cartoon that has stuck with her the most is Jessica Rabbit. If she were to receive a gift from a student, she’d want that to be eloquence, and literary enthusiasm (alternatively, chocolate would do). She’d want to be remembered for her wit and making people laugh. Amy Cooper Mr Cope is excited to be joining Brentwood School as the new Housemaster of Mill Hill, where he can work on achieving the thing he would want to be remembered for: knowing individuals, showing genuine interest in them and looking after their welfare and wellbeing. Mr Cope brings with him his many pets (two dogs, a marine fish and a hamster), as well as a passion for rugby, tennis and photography. As much as he enjoys his frequent dining experiences at the School’s dining halls, his last meal on earth would be a medium rare steak and pistachio ice cream. The childhood cartoon that has stuck with him the most is The Flumps and his favourite movie is Moulin Roug e. The most fascinating place he has ever visited is South Africa. Tim Cope Favourite quote : You learn more from failure than success. Advice for students : You don't have to have your whole life figured out now. Just make sure whatever you decide to do that you enjoy it! Favourite quote : There is your presence and there is the peculiar piece of mechanism which forms the egress portion of this chamber; get thee hence. Samuel Johnson Advice for students : Your best is good enough. Favourite quote : Leaders create leaders by passing on responsibility, creating ownership, accountability and trust. Advice for students : Be yourself - everyone else is taken.