Brentwoodian 2019

119 Mrs Dobson thinks that teaching Art is extremely important because it teaches you to think innovatively, experiment and test things out, articulate yourself, follow things through to the end and ultimately be creative. With these skills, you can be anything in life. Mrs Dobson lived for a year in a tiny city in the middle of the countryside in Vietnam. Getting used to the way of life there was interesting! Her last meal on earth would be halloumi and mushroom burgers followed by lots and lots of chocolate! If she could only wear one colour for the rest of her life, she’d choose something super bright. The best gift she could receive would be any (or every) type of chocolate. Zoe Dobson Miss Haron decided to become a teacher of Economics and Business Studies because of her love of data analysis and understanding the world around us. She hopes to be remembered for stretching, developing and building resilience in students. Her proudest achievement was passing out of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as an Army Officer before she became a teacher. It was something that she thought she’d never be able to do and something that seemed entirely unachievable for her. Although she is now a teacher, her favourite colour is still army green. Her hobbies are army cadets, football, topgolf/ mini golf and formation skydiving. She has a seven-year-old border terrier called Stan. Her last meal on earth would be homemade Toad in the hole with caramelised onions, veg and mash, followed by strawberry cheesecake. Jade Haron Favourite quote: The limit does not exist! Mean Girls Advice for students : Wear whatever colour you want. If it doesn't match it clashes which is an equally great combination. Favourite quote: You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious and genuine. Christian Louboutin Advice for students : Keep going even when it is difficult. Resilience is the backbone of success in life. Mr Harvey decided to become a Physics teacher because it is better than Maths and he loves Astrophysics. In his free time, he enjoys football, squash and golf - he is proud of being able to hit a golf ball over 300 yards! His funniest memories come from being on holiday to Cancun with the lads. His favourite childhood cartoon is Bart Simpson. He loves J. R. R. Tolkien: The Hobbit is his book of choice to accompany him on a deserted island and Lord of the Rings - Return of the King is his favourite movie. If he had any superpower, he’d want to be able to control time. He’d like to be remembered as a person who always tried their best and was always willing to support and work with others, an adventurous person who took risks and was resilient. Luke Harvey Favourite quote: Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Advice for students : To be resilient.There is nothing wrong with failure if you learn and improve from your mistakes.