Brentwoodian 2019

120 As his colleagues in the Classics department know too well, Mr Hitchings enjoys cake so much that his last meal on earth would be three courses of cake. His love for cake is second only to his love for Classics and he became a Classics teacher because he wanted everyone to know that it is the best subject. Perhaps unsurprisingly, if he were stranded on an island, he’d choose to take with him the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Aside from cake and Classics, Mr Hitchings has many other hobbies: playing rugby, watching rugby, listening to podcasts about rugby, hammer-throwing, weightlifting, quizzes and inventing puns that he can use in specific future situations (the Classics department enjoys at least one of them per day). He’d like to be remembered for being fun to spend time with - it is yet to be decided if his frequent puns are contributing or hindering this attempt. Samuel Hitchings Miss Lake decided to become a teacher of PE because she loves sports. She has a labradoodle called Chester. Her favourite movie is Finding Nemo and her favourite song is We Will Rock You . If she had one superpower, she’d want to be able to fly. Poppy Lake Favourite quote: A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man. Jebediah Springfield Advice for students : As the mother vegetable said to her child on the first day of school, "Beetroot to yourself". Favourite quote: If it was easy then everyone would do it. Advice for students : Work hard now so that your future self is thankful. Dr Law once spent three years doing research for the American Government, but he is so good at Chemistry that he feels it would have been a disservice to the subject if he had not become a teacher of it. When not exercising his talent of teaching Chemistry, he enjoys watching TV, badminton and eating. In fact, he enjoys eating a little too much, as he once accidentally bit off his little sister’s fingers when she put food in his mouth. His favourite meal is sushi followed by chocolate ice cream. If he had one superpower, other than his amazing Chemistry skills, he’d want to be able to fly, a desire he shares with Buzz Lightyear from his favourite movie, Toy Story . He’d like to be remembered for his dry humour. Nicholas Law Advice for students : Try everything and stop saying you can't do it!