Brentwoodian 2019

121 Miss Lerman is excited to be joining Brentwood School, which is the most fascinating place she has ever visited! She decided to become an Art teacher because she thought it would be fun. When she is not teaching, she enjoys taking care of plants. She has no pets, as she thinks looking after children all week is already a big responsibility. Her last meal on earth would be a running buffet (more food that way!). As a child, she loved watching Dumbo , which is still her favourite movie! She loves Brian Eno’s entire album Ambient 1: Music for Airports and her favourite book is The Twits by Roald Dahl. If she could have any superpower, she’d want to be able to sleep with her eyes open. She wants people to remember her for her colourful socks. Katie Lerman Mr Lonsdale decided to teach his subject because of the counteraction it has to other more dominant forms of learning in educational institutions. Aside from teaching, he is a paid up member of the Tartan Army, travelling across Europe to watch Scotland play football. He loves to read, to cook, to hang out with his wife and two children - Jackson and Anna-Rose. He also loves eating and his last meal on earth would be BBQ/Southern American - ribs, slaw, chicken, corn, beans, chilli etc. Mr Lonsdale thinks that the only flavour of ice cream that is worth eating is mint chocolate. The most fascinating place he has ever visited is Varanasi. If he were stranded on an island, he’d bring with him the bible. His favourite superpower to have would be mind control. His proudest achievement is growing a family; children are the greatest! Christopher Lonsdale Favourite quote: Live fast, die young. Advice for students : Don’t lose your iPad. Favourite quote: Every answer found, begs another question. Advice for students : Persevere, fall in love with learning, however it comes to you. Read - books, all sorts of them. Challenge authority, question everything and find what resonates with you. Be flexible.Vote. Mr McNiff decided to become a teacher of Geography because he loves the dynamism and breadth of the subject - it covers such a broad range of topical and current issues, with more and more new global developments being included under the realms of Geography. He finds it both exciting and important to teach so students can understand and appreciate the complexities of our world. Aside from teaching, he enjoys supporting Swansea City and the Welsh rugby squad, playing the piano and going to watch live music. His last meal on earth would me welsh lamb in mint sauce. and his favourite song is Scenes from an Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel. If he had one superpower, it would be teleportation, so that he could go back to Mumbai, the most fascinating place he has visited. His glimpse of brilliance is completing a 10K tough mudder event last year for charity, despite signing up two weeks before having never ever run 10K! Benjamin McNiff Favourite quote: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas