Brentwoodian 2019

123 Mrs Oldland’s last meal on earth would be pizza, ideally followed by raspberry ripple ice- cream (the best flavour!). Her favourite movie is Dirty Dancing and her favourite song is End of the Century by Blur. If she had a superpower, she’d choose teleportation, as she loves travelling. She recommends visiting Thailand, which is the most fascinating place she’s ever visited. If she were stranded on an island, with no teleportation skills to take her out of there, she’d want to have the book A Million Little Pieces by James Frey to keep her entertained. Tracy Oldland Mr Palfreyman decided to teach Physics because it seems selfish to have seen the beauty of understanding how the universe works and not to share the experience - once you climb the mountain, the view is amazing. His wish is to be remembered for inspiring more people, girls in particular, to pursue Physics at Sixth Form and beyond, and being ‘that crazy guy’ who flooded the science building trying to demonstrate how the pyramids were built. Fascinated by the pyramids, his ideal superpower would be teleportation so that he could go inside the Great Pyramid in Giza. His glimpse of brilliance is captaining the Cavendish Laboratory Cricket Club to cup glory - something JJ Thomson failed to achieve, which puts his Nobel Prize into perspective! The most exciting place he has ever visited is Athens - besides the Acropolis, he recommends that you take a stroll in Aristotle’s Lyceum and visit the Archeological Museum to see the Antikythera mechanism (look it up if you don’t know what it is). Justin Palfreyman Advice for students : It’s never too late to start something new. Favourite quote: I only know one thing, that I know nothing. Socrates Advice for students : To know what to do when you don’t know what to do - you must first know what you don’t know. Mr Prior decided to become a teacher because he wanted to spread his passion for sport and physical activity to his students. His last meal on earth would be Christmas dinner and his favourite ice cream flavour is mint chocolate chip. His favourite movie is Rocky 4 and the most exciting place he has ever visited is Thailand. Oliver Prior Mrs Shufflebotham decided to become a Design and Technology teacher because she enjoys making things. In her free time, she makes jewellery, plays netball and runs. In fact, her glimpse of brilliance is running the London Big Vitality Half Marathon last March. Her last meal on earth would be her mum’s roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and salted caramel ice cream. Her favourite movie is Edward Scissorhands and if she had to choose one book to bring with her to a deserted island it would be The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time . She would like to be remembered for her kindness. Jennifer Shufflebotham