Brentwoodian 2019

15 A couple of hours and connecting flights later we had landed in Adelaide for the 25th Australian Scout Jamboree. As soon as we left the airport we went straight to the opening ceremony and when we arrived you could feel the buzz and electricity of the eleven thousand plus people in one massive field all together for this event. We watched fantastic entertainment, including a traditional Aboriginal welcome and blessing, and fireworks that symbolised the start of an amazing week. I was what the Australians called a Venturer; I helped out as a leader but I also took part in the activities. Over the week I made loads of new friends from all around the world including Indonesians, Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians. I watched some truly inspiring things that have changed the way I approach things in life and how I tackle new obstacles. I took part in many activities, some new to me and others I was familiar with already, and learnt skills like windsurfing, flying drones, programming and I even became a leader on the first aid post where one of the activities was mountain biking so we definitely had our hands full for the day and I learnt new techniques and skills! Camping in the heat and red dust of the Adelaide outback was so different to the UK - we had to drill holes for the tent pegs. An Australian brown snake was caught slithering between the tents and badge and scarf swapping is a big thing in Australia. Luckily some of the big tents had air conditioning but we had to always make sure we had water, a hat and were wearing sun cream. No rain and soggy fields here! I had the chance to be part of a giant event that brought me closer to the friends in the UK contingent but also made friends from all around the world; we have planned to meet up again in 2020 at the Essex International Scout Jamboree. Last of all we went to Sydney to close the amazing trip. We were only there for a short amount of time but with the temperature reaching 45 degrees we really felt that it was going much slower! We went into the Blue Mountains outside Sydney first, which were fantastic – the sight of so much green after the red dust of Adelaide was beautiful. The next day we went into Sydney itself and we climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge - it towered over everything so we could see the sun in the distance. I knew I was going to struggle with that as heights aren’t really my thing, but when we got up there you could see the whole harbour as well as the Sydney Opera House and it was peaceful and beautiful, one of the best views of the trip. Not only did we do the climb; we also went around the harbour on a speed boat where we got soaked! It was the perfect ending to an amazing trip which I will never forget. At the start of my trip I had hoped for sun, friendships and fun – I got all that but so much more. It was an amazing, life-changing experience that will stay with me forever. By Jack Elsworth