Brentwoodian 2019

22 The Canada and USA Rugby Tour On Friday the 5th July, after a very early start and weeks of training, the Brentwood touring side consisting of an U14 and U16 squads set off on their tour of Canada and North America. After flying into Vancouver, our group moved on to the first venue, a school set in beautiful grounds on Vancouver Island, called Shawnigan Lake School. The two squads had team run-throughs before their matches the next day. The matches were incredibly well-fought affairs, with the U14 side losing by two points to the Regional Champions, Tide, whilst the U16s lost 36-28 to the Royal Alexandra and Albert School. The next day was given over to a bit of relaxation and recuperation, with a whale watching cruise. All boats were incredibly fortunate to see an array of marine life, with one boat having the extraordinary experience of an orca swimming under their boat. After a session of strength and conditioning, some hill sprints and more fitness, the group settled down for pizzas whilst Mr Howard washed ALL THE KIT. From Vancouver Island, the side headed to the city of Vancouver itself, where we spent time shopping and watching a baseball match. This was not everybody’s cup of tea, especially Mr Sawyer! The following day, the squads ventured across the border into the United States to play their next matches against Chuckanut Bay. The U16 side produced a scintillating win, demonstrating passion, perseverance and patience producing the best win of the tour. Final highlights of Vancouver included a very wet bike ride through Stanley Park, as well as a Canadian Football Match at the Stadium across from the hotel. Having packed up our belongings, we headed to the outskirts of Vancouver to play the third matches for each team, against Bayside Sharks. The Junior side won their match, demonstrating impressive handling skills and work- rate, whilst the Senior team played a 10-a-side match, which was very good to burn off some of the food that players had been gorging on. After an incredibly early start the next day (2am wake up!), we drove to the airport to move down to San Francisco. The teams then visited Alcatraz prison and walked the length of the Golden Gate Bridge and back - the perfect way to see San Francisco. The final matches of the tour, against Danville Oaks, were hotly contested on an astroturf pitch, with the hosts increasing the tension pre-match by playing both National Anthems. The U14 team lost narrowly by one point, whilst the U16 side were not able to produce the same quality of rugby that they previously had. Danville Oaks hosted the Brentwood side incredibly well over some food and drinks at the clubhouse afterwards. An excursion of the University of California, Berkeley provided food for thought for the older students about life at an American university, before the squads finished their final evening at Pier 59. A huge thank you to the coaches (Mr Castleman, Mr Howard, Mr Roberts and Mr Sawyer) for all their hard work and for making the trip such an enjoyable and memorable experience. By Mr Roberts