Brentwoodian 2019

2 It is always incredibly challenging to put a word limit on all the wonderful achievements that Brentwood students have accomplished over the past year. With a report from the Head of School, Victor Sarpong, tales of enlightening trips, reflections on the many musical, dance and sporting events across the year and a glimpse into our wonderful enrichment programmes and extracurricular services, The Brentwoodian 2019 stands as a record of what 2018-19 looked like at Brentwood School. In the previous edition, we said our farewells to retiring Headmaster, Mr Davies. This edition commences with the introduction of our new Headmaster, Mr Bond, who joined in the summer of 2019. Importantly, it marks the start of a new era in the history of the School. We extend to him our best wishes for a long and happy Headmastership. This edition also marks the first digital publication of the Brentwoodian, something which the staff-editors as well as students have been keen to have. The decision is two-fold: firstly it ensures that wider members of the School community can share in the successes of students at Brentwood School, whether that be friends, family, those in the local community or further afield. Secondly, it is important (as is mentioned in the Climate Change feature) to think about our impact on the world. Brentwood School is taking increasing notice of how our actions impact on the environment and the digital issue ensures that we cut down on the printing and distribution of paper copies. A huge thanks goes to all those involved in this wonderful publication, particularly Miss Cooper who has worked tirelessly on the design, as well as the contributors and editors, both staff and students, without whom there would be no publication. Editor's Foreword