Brentwoodian 2019

39 U12 D I think that the U12D team has been treated to an excellent season. We have all experienced highs and lows, losing only one match out of the whole season. It started off with our first match against Colfe’s School, with many of us (myself included) having never played rugby before. Most of us, I think, were very nervous but we stayed calm, remembered what we had practised in training and came away winning 45-10! We then went on to win more matches and keep our unbeaten record. I think the reason that we all played so well is that everyone in the team got on well on the pitch and off the pitch. We also had an excellent coach, Mr Endlar, who was always encouraging, although it was always scary when he would charge at you with the ball! There were two favourite matches that come to mind. The first one was against Richard Hale School, who put up a fight until the very end then scored to make us level with only a matter of seconds left until full time, but then a match saving run was made by Joseph Babatunde to win us the match. The second game was against Bishop’s Stortford High School. The reason I have chosen this fixture is because it showed how much we wanted to win. The first ten minutes or so we were losing 10-0 but we didn’t give up and at the end of the first half the tables had turned and we were winning 15-10 and then we went on to win the match 35-10. Everyone in the team had something different and great to bring to the table and that is why we made such a good team. By Noah Higgins