Brentwoodian 2019

43 Hockey The First XI squad has had an enjoyable season which was filled with many competitive games that really challenged us as a team. Starting a new season, with Mr Giles, also meant an introduction to a new style of hockey. We welcomed many of the Fifth Years to the First XI. Although, we didn't have an overly successful season in terms of results, we never dropped our heads or gave up. Using Mr. Giles' advice we worked and came together to improve every match. Mr Giles has helped us to develop our skills and allowed us to play better hockey than earlier in the season. There were of course some highlights to the season - we had four wins against St. Edmund's 1-0, Highgate 3-1, and Coopers’ 2-0 and 2-1. All of the Fifth Year players have made a massive impact this season, especially Emma Philpot who has fought tirelessly throughout midfield to win the ball and then have the ability to stay calm to pass the ball up front. Also, Lucy Holloway showed great strength to get the ball into the D and take shots on goal. The midfielder, Caitlin Goodbody, has always given her support to both defenders and forwards moving the ball around the pitch. Millie Defriess and Georgia Underhill stepped up in defence and helped to slow down the opposition and always cleared the ball quickly off the pitch. Lastly, from the Fifth Year we had Vicki Yeong, who played goalkeeper, not only for the First but also the Seconds, so thank you for stepping up to the mark stopping the goals going into the back of the goal. From the Lower Sixth we had in defence Anna Reeves and Lucy Twyford helping out both teams, stopping many of the opposition from scoring with amazing tackles. Also, in midfield we had Ella Hawes; she stayed calm while taking on new challenges and was always chasing down the ball. Lastly, from the Lower Sixth we had Clarise Castleman, who used her skill to dominate the opposition. Lastly, we had the Upper Sixth. In defence we had Lily Spencer-Smith, she made a massive impact on every game as she chased down and swiftly cleared the ball with her amazing tackles. Also, in midfield we had Ashley Chalmers, Lucy Wilde, Emilia Clark and myself; we have all stayed calm while taking on new challenges and have fought tirelessly when chasing down the ball. Lastly, Megan Lee used her speed to dominate the opposition and scored many goals from it, always carrying on until she physically couldn't run anymore. I would like to say a massive thank you to the Upper Sixth for playing their final season of seven years of hockey at Brentwood School. I wish you all the luck and success in the future and I hope you carry on playing hockey. Lastly, I would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Giles for putting up with us for another season. We have learnt a lot from you and you have helped us all to improve our hockey. We have come a long way as a team since the start of the season, without Mr Giles none of this would have been possible. His passion for hockey and encouraging words made us play the way that we did. I am very thankful for being able to captain such a lovely group within my final year at Brentwood. I have really appreciated the laughs and ongoing support; hopefully your next season will continue in this vein and be even more successful. By Connie Bell First XI Second XI The Second XI has had an eventful season, from the long journey to Royal Hospital School (with the company of Jess’ music which will be incredibly missed next season) and drawing in a hard-fought match against Chigwell, we have had a fun and exciting year as a new team. With many Fifth Years joining the Second XI, we all got to know our strengths and weaknesses quickly and together we have all worked hard to defend as well as pressuring to attack. With the help of some our midfielders Ciara Donnelly, Emma Hirst, Orissa Uppal, Calista Odendaal, Megan Beardwell and Elizabeth Hepburn-Braham and in the defending end Esha Parmar, Anya Lewonowski , Jasmine Ellamushi and Lucy Twyford, they all worked incredibly hard to make sure my job was as easy as it could be! We had some tough games throughout the season but we kept our heads held high and focused on what we could improve each game. The results were finally shown with the highlight of the season playing our best match, against Bancroft’s, winning 3-0 with outstanding goals from our forwards, Abigail Coe, Simran Sahni and Fern Watts. At every match and every training session we were happy to play as a team, even in the rain or snow we tried our best, which is more than I could ask for. I would like to thank Miss Morrell for making us work hard every session; as a team our skills and our overall game play has improved tremendously. I have loved playing hockey this year as it has pushed not just me but each and every one of us to our limits. Lastly, I would like to thank Jessica Haynes for keeping up morale in her final season; I wish you all the best and success in the future, hopefully you continue to play hockey. Thank you for the girls as well for an enjoyable season of hockey and hopefully next season will be even better! By Victoria Yeong