Brentwoodian 2019

44 U15 A What a year it has been for the U15A hockey team! We have had some amazing wins this year,some losses too, but all in all we have managed to pull through with a very successful hockey season. I have had the honour this season of leading a skilled, able and wonderful team of girls, which I am very proud to have done. Not only are we team-mates, but we are now great friends with great memories from the season. A key highlight of the season could arguably be the first round of the National Cup, where Brentwood won with a score of 3-0. This was a memorable game, where the girls showed skill, strength and determination throughout. The girls played to the best of their ability; goals came from Freya Killilea and Olivia Copeland, two players who have made a big impact on the team this year. Freya has always been a massive attribute to the hockey team, scoring a total of nine goals this season and being named Player of the Match three times. Another successful match was played against Chigwell, where Brentwood won with an amazing score of 6-1! Strikers, Josie Whiskerd and Lila Lambeth, were key scorers in this game, and there have also been many games where the two girls have pushed the team to success. I could point out brilliant aspects and skills from all of the girls in the hockey team, but would go on for pages and pages. The hockey tour to Holland was a massive highlight of the season and the team got on like a house on fire. We competed against teams mainly from Amsterdam, and did extremely well beating a few of the teams, considering the extremely high standard of hockey in Holland. It was funny to see most of the Dutch girls would ride their bikes to training sessions; I think most of the Brentwood girls were in shock, arguing that surely training on its own was enough! Mrs Mcleod has been a wonderful coach this year, and during the middle of the season we got the wonderful news that she was expecting a baby! As she told us the news that the team were going to have ‘a new mascot’, I think she was rather surprised to hear the team scream and ask if we were going to have a puppy! Clearly there was a slight confusion amongst the girls! All in all it has been a great year for our team, with a lot of laughs! I know the girls are very excited for hockey season to come around next year. By Ellie Marshall