Brentwoodian 2019

45 U15 B For the entire team, 2019 was the most remarkable and momentous year of hockey. We welcomed a new elevating star this year, Alex Hak, who as a great team player has learned and excelled. The team might not have won all their matches but nevertheless every match we played was an enormous learning curve. Besides us all being good friends, as a team we've grown together as a separate family, we have fallen together and risen together. Our most memorable match this year has to be the wet and breezy evening at Bancroft's School. The game was intense, right from the beginning with strong passes between the mids and the forwards. The mids are a steadfast trio, consisting of the organised Nicole Fergus, sweet but savage Rebecca Kennedy, and Captain, Ipshita Rishi. The fast and furious group of forwards always collaborate together to score terrific goals, Elizabeth Bishop swiftly moving in towards the goal, alongside the nimble Yasmine Puchakayala, stealthy Imaan Rashid and the magnificent Alex Hak. The team additionally has a fantastic defense, including the deadly Elorm Setsoafia, crafty Eleanor Whiskerd, fearless Jodie Cooke and enigmatic Katie Heywood. Our defence is extremely tenacious and the remainder of the group knows that the ball can't go through that easily. As a whole, our team had played very well in that game and we emerged magnificently, winning 2-1, not to mention our fabulous and hilarious pair of well-synced goalkeepers, Cerys Jenkins and Amy McGonigle. We are the ‘Dream Team’ as Mrs Lazenby likes to call us. The sportsmanship of our team is incredible. All players keep a various number of tactics up their sleeve, keeping the opponents speculating. I’m sure the rest of the team would agree that the best noises to hear while playing on pitch has to be the cheers of support, clashes of sticks and the victorious sound of the ball hitting the goal! None of this would have been possible without the support and encouragement of our lovely coach, Mrs Lazenby. She has taught us many valuable things that all members of the team will take with them in the future. Communication, teamwork and trust are just a few examples. I on behalf of the whole team would like to thank Mrs Lazenby for all her enthusiasm and keeping us high in spirits and motivated all the time. It has been an exhilarating experience. For the majority of the team, sadly it may have been the last time we played hockey as a part of the same year group. I really hope that all of the girls do carry on with hockey next year, as everyone has so much potential. As Captain I would like to say that 2015-2019 has brought innumerable memories which will stay imbedded in our hearts, clashes of sticks, injuries and friendship that we shall cherish forever. Let’s just say even the changing rooms will miss us! Signing off for now, "You only see obstacles, when you take your eyes off the goal." By Ipshita Rishi This year I have really enjoyed U15B hockey. We have played several games which have all been lots of fun. Although we haven’t won all our games, we achieved a good win against Bancroft’s School. Through all our matches our team has worked together with the defence, Katie Heywood, Elorm Setsoafia and Eleanor Whiskerd; the midfields, Ips Rishi, Rebecca Kennedy, Nicole Fergus and Jodie Cook; the forwards, Imaan Rashid, Elizabeth Bishop, Alex Hak and myself, and finally our goalies, Cerys Jenkins and Amy McGonigle. All members of the team have loved every Wednesday training session with Mrs Lazenby where we developed as a team and learnt so many new skills and created new friendships. It has been a great year with a lovely team which we will all miss. By Yasmine Puchakayala "Remember that part of being a great hockey player is the desire to play. Skill can mostly be taught, but desire can’t."