Brentwoodian 2019

47 tackles in defence, Izzie Sawyer has made excellent progress on transferring the ball across the pitch with ease and Araminta Smalley has provided amazing backup and support for the ball carrier. We’ve had many matches and our skill has very much improved to also help our team format when playing. We would like to thank Miss Simpson for all the hard work and commitment that she has provided to our team and as a team, we have a favourite quote: “It’s not about how good you are but how bad you want it.” It was an unforgettable season and we hope next year will continue to be just as amazing. By Libby McLauchlan & Amelia Horton U13 B The U13B team has had a successful and enjoyable season this year. We have grown a lot as a team and have improved in our communication. We have won 4, drawn 3 and only lost 1; this is an amazing achievement. Our teamwork has been excellent and I think it has played a main part in our success. Our best performance was an away match against Haileybury, winning 5-2 with goals scored by Isabella Born, Grace Kingaby and Ellie Merritt. The matches and training sessions have been a lot of fun and have brought us closer as a team. Furthermore, as well as teamwork, we have improved our skill and understanding of spacing. In defence we had a rotation of Emily Hill, Lauren Morris, Flora Gunn, Valencia Danby and Khairah Francis-Shayek who have performed very well and have developed a lot throughout the season, making it very hard for the opposition to make it into the D. In midfield we had Isabella Born, Sophia Denham, Kaylin Van De Merwe and myself. We were always running up and down the pitch and started to spread out towards the end of the season. Our forwards have been spectacular and have scored some superb goals, Ellie Merritt scoring 5 and Grace Kingaby scoring 2 throughout the season. Positions were swapped over the course of the season. Hockey training didn’t just improve our playing but it built on our determination and keenness for hockey. The team has done very well at not giving up and motivating each other on the pitch and from the sidelines making us strong. We have played in any weather, and we have done very well at staying awake on a Saturday morning! To sum up the season I think it has been challenging, but every one of the girls has played a massive part. I would like to thank Mrs McLeod for coaching us this season, and for motivating us no matter what the weather. She has taught us a lot about hockey and has made us passionate about improving further. I hope the girls continue to pursue hockey as they are all brilliant players. I am proud of all the girls this year and I think we have played fabulously. It has been a huge pleasure to play with the team and I am really looking forward to seeing our team grow and improve even more next year. By Scarlett Catton U13 C This year’s hockey season has delivered us with both wins and a few losses, but most importantly the ability to work together as a team. Our first match was a total success and boosted our confidence, achieving an end result of 2-0 against New Hall, a great and encouraging way to start the season. Our Vice-Captain, Olivia Sorae, trained hard throughout the year scoring the team many goals. Olivia also discovered she was talented in her position of defence. Annabelle Simmons and Charlotte Grundy were excellent midfielders, and always there to receive the ball and position themselves on the goal post. Our match against Dame Alice Owens was the most memorable for me; the weather was terrible as it was cold and very wet and removing our tracksuits was not pleasant. Despite the weather we battled hard, and we walked off the pitch victorious, the end score 5-0, a hat trick from me and a great goal from Mobolu Olowoyeye and Charlotte Grundy. Our final match of the season was against Alec Hunter Academy. After a slow start, we found our form and scored a goal, and after this the goals came thick and fast. The final score was 3-1, a wonderful way to end the season. I want to thank the girls in the U13C Hockey team for always turning up to training and being great ambassadors for the School. We played 8 games this season, won 6, and lost 2. However those few losses did not knock our courage or determination, but made us aware of our mistakes and helped us to become a stronger team. It was a pleasure to be the Captain this season, and I can’t wait to see our team flourish next year. I want to say a big thank you to Miss Panteli for being such a fabulous coach. by Charlotte Elliston