Brentwoodian 2019

53 U15 B Firstly, a massive thank you from myself and the rest of the team goes to Miss Spriggs who has been such a supportive coach this year. Not only has Miss been there to help us improve our netball this year, she has also given up so much of her time, training us after school, traveling with us or being with us at home matches supporting us during all matches giving us all the help and support when matches got tough. Also, another thank you to Miss Atkinson who has been there at training sessions helping us with key points to improve on as a team and individuals. This netball season for the team has been tough, playing very hard matches, I would say one of our key matches this season for the team would be the match against Chigwell School; every one of us giving our best throughout the whole game. Overall, netball this season has been hard however every single player has put all efforts in making the season enjoyable and successful. By Hannah Maylon-Davies This has been a very successful year for the U14A as we have grown stronger as a team. Over the last three years of us playing together, our success is evident from our results with us only losing two matches over the entire season. We are District champions, winners of the Georgia Cordery cup and winners of the Kelsall Cup. As Captain, I am extremely proud of this team as every player has put in 100% effort in both the training sessions and matches. The girls have shown commitment and dedication and deserve their success. Alongside the U14 side was also involved in a combined team for the Essex Cup and Nationals. We had a solid run through to the Essex Cup final where we faced Fitzwimarc, one of our toughest competitors to whom we had previously. Most people would have thought we would have already been mentally defeated before the match had even started, but that was not the case. With Olivia Copeland and Isabelle Toms. Working really well together in the circle, Sadie Wood and Hannah Knightbridge’s feeds into the circle were accurate and their mid court play tenacious and determined. With Emma Willy and Libby McLauchlan both effective as a dominant WD defence and with Cynthia Asiego and me working really hard to stop the ball from entering the circle, we won the match! The score was 23-22 but that does not reflect how well the girls played, especially when at the end of the third quarter we were losing by 5 goals. We had a great run in the National Cup, progressing through to Regionals. We played 8 pool matches with only one defeat which placed us in the regional finals. Sadly, we just missed out by a few goals but this success made us one of the most successful teams of the year. A special mention goes to the U13 players who were an amazing addition to our Essex cup and national squad. We wouldn’t have been able to perform as well as we did without the direction and game play tactics from our fantastic coach, Mrs Juniper, who we were so lucky to have for the third year in a row. She has committed a huge amount of time in order to prepare us for this season and we are very thankful for this. A successful, enjoyable and memorable season, team! By Taaliyah Foster U14 A