Brentwoodian 2019

54 This netball season for the U14B team has been challenging and the girls have worked hard. We have won 11 games, and lost 6. This is a great result because we were playing in the A team MESSA league as we won the B team league last year! Facing A teams this year has been tough but has helped the team improve greatly. Everyone has worked so hard and has always played to their very best in every game. Throughout the year, we have had the opportunity to play so many matches which has really helped us improve on the court in all positions. Everyone has grown from strength to strength throughout the whole season, and the team has worked incredibly hard. We have all worked well together and were able to play some incredible matches to achieve wonderful results. One of our best matches was against St Edmund’s College, where the whole team worked together to accomplish the best results, winning 36-3. Although some teams were very strong, we were able to pull through lots of wins thanks to everybody. This year our shooters have hardly missed any shots, the mid courts have done some great passes and the defenders have intercepted a lot. On behalf of all the U14B team we would like to thank Ms St Clair Jones, who has been an amazing coach and helped all of us improve; it has been a pleasure and a truly enjoyable experience to be Captain and Vice-Captain this year. We can’t wait to play again next year; bring on next season! By Sophie Philpot & Sophia Brennan U14 B We had a fantastic end to the netball season where we had a masterclass led by Saracens Mavericks player, Lindsay Keable. It provided us with lots of skills and techniques to work on over the summer before we return as U14 Netballers next season. As a team we would like to say a huge thank you to our two amazing and dynamic coaches: Miss Simpson and Mrs Juniper! Having two different coaches on the sideline whilst we were playing was fantastic for all of us, and especially useful when playing in the harder games, when Mrs Juniper would inevitably tell us exactly what was on her mind! We couldn’t have achieved so much during this season without them; they were coaches on and off the court and we couldn’t find a thank you big enough to give them, but surely a mention in the Brentwoodian must come close! By Izzie Sawyer & Valencia Danby U13 A Throughout the year we have come a long way and developed as a team, understanding the importance of working hard to achieve your goals, and also to have fun while playing Netball! We have enjoyed many great experiences, and won 16 out of the 19 matches that we played, scoring 396 goals in the process. The highlight for us as Captains was getting to the quarter-final of the ISNC (Independent Schools National Cup), where we sadly lost to Bedford Girls School; the end score being 18-26, so a very tight affair. The whole team was devastated and the mood was extremely low on the coach, however we had to look on the bright side - after all we’d exceeded expectations to get so far in such a prestigious competition. Our biggest winning margin was achieved against Boswells in the MESSA League, where we won by a margin of 29-5. Whilst our MESSA League matches weren’t part of a big competition, we never turned down the opportunity to win a match, trying our best in every game! We did however, try particularly hard to win one match, against our own Brentwood School U13A Rugby Team in a challenge match organised to raise money for the Netball Development Trust, with £65 raised and a satisfying win to put the boys in their place...although they did play really well! The girls’ favourite part of every match is when we gather together before the quarter starts and decide whether our team chant will be B-R-E-N-T-W-O-O-D... BRENTWOOD! Or simply 1...2...3 BRENTWOOD! So we usually ended up with half of the team saying one thing and the other half the other chant. Regardless, it psyched us up for the quarter ahead to say the least! During the season there was accurate shooting from everyone in the circle, including us as Co- Captains, but we couldn’t have done it without our amazing defensive team consisting of Olivia Carr, Cynthia Asiegbu and Araminta Smalley. The ball wouldn’t have reached the shooters without travelling down the court via Libby McLauchlan, Erin Young and Ruby Chart. All girls performed amazingly well all year and it was an honour to captain them.