Brentwoodian 2019

56 U12 B The Under 12B team has enjoyed an excellent season of matches. All members of the team should be congratulated on our 12 wins and 3 draws. We barely knew each other at the start of the season but we very quickly bonded and learnt how to support and bring out the best in each other. This teamwork was clear to see in our 40-4 win against St.Edmund’s College. Maddie James’ and Sahara Dhir’s shooting skills were consistent and accurate. On the few occasions that we lost, the team conducted themselves well in defeat and came out determined to win our next match. Our weekly training sessions have been both fun and productive. All players have shown commitment in their attendance and, as a result, everyone has improved but a special mention must go to Lois Hall. None of this would have been possible without Miss Preston. On behalf of my team, I’d like to thank her for all the Saturdays she has given up to come with us to matches, for her words of encouragement and for being a great coach. I’m excited about next season and can’t wait to see what we are able to achieve! By Scarlett Johnson Brentwood School’s U12 C team has made the girls’ First Year netball experience amazing! Without our fantastic coach, Miss Tiernan, we would never have survived through the netball seasons. The captainship for this brilliant team was awarded to Evie Harris and Amber Penman and we were so excited to be part of the team and help win most of our matches. However with the C team there are a number of us (14 to be exact!) so we have to split ourselves for every match and take it in turns, but if we didn’t have even one of our teammates the whole team would suffer because each player has her own important qualities. Olivia Mitchell is wonderfully versatile - she plays a tremendous WD, WA and sometimes a shooter! This versatility and determination saw her awarded the Players’ Player of the Season. Sienna Snodgrass is an amazing GD or GK for our team and she never lets down anyone around her. Chloe Leslie is a great shooter and we can always count on her. Millie Vann is an alert WA and she’s always open for that pass. Ava Smith recently found her position as GK or GD later on in the season after dabbling in shooting but has been able to discover her incredible skills as a defender. Achinta Kundra is normally our GS and she has got skills for shooting - she’s unstoppable in the goal circle! Priyasha Aggarwal always brings a smile to our team and is a speedy WA or WD. Mary Foliadis is a great WD and always snatches that ball! Emelia Cleverley is an awesome GK or GD she can always intercept very well. Niamh Doherty is always up for playing new positions to help out the team, and really gives her all on court. Niamh Eldridge is a wonderful defender, dominating tremendously in the defensive circle! Alice Stonebridge plays GD; we can always count on her and she always puts a smile on our faces. Perhaps this is why she was awarded Coach’s Player of the Season! Now our Captains…. Evie Harris plays C for the out team and she can whiz around the court in no time and always helps out with the team. Amber Penman plays a fascinating GA - she has got some skills with those hands of hers! Also she never lets the team down, or misses a goal. Our Captains carried us through the season brilliantly, from our 27-0’s wins to our single 5-1 loss. That’s the C team for First Year girls and we wouldn’t change it for the world!! U12 C U12 D The U12D team had an extremely successful season, playing six matches; winning four and losing two. With a large squad, Miss Cooper was able to rotate the team each match, ensuring all players had an even amount of match play. All players should be extremely proud of their achievements and of representing the School in their first year at Brentwood. The girls would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Cooper for her enthusiasm and commitment to the team this season! We all look forward to continuing our netball successes next season as U13s. By Sophie Cooke Swimming Another very successful swimming year, with many records broken and achievements made, both individually and as a team. The tireless enthusiasm, spirit and hard work has really paid off, from both Mrs Watson and the team alike, to continue to give the swimmers the determination and motivation to win when the whistle blows. Starting with the individual events, Amelia Moule has qualified for the British Championships, which attracts the best swimmers from across the British Isles aiming to be crowned British Champion. Not only that, she has also been selected for the British Open Water Talent camp, another impressive accomplishment. Many records have been smashed this year, by Amelia Moule, Sophia Moule, Jacob Stephen and Angus Robertson. A record of 14 students qualified for the Essex County Championships, where 80% qualified for the finals, all extraordinary achievements for those swimmers. As a school we have competed in the MESSSA League Championships and MESSSA Relay Championships, with both the Senior and Junior teams winning overall. We have continued to make new relationships with schools in London, where we have been able to create some highly competitive and close competitions with Brentwood coming out on top on numerous occasions. We also continued to swim against local schools, beating local rivals, Coopers’, twice!