Brentwoodian 2019

67 Athletics This year has been a very successful and, more importantly, extremely enjoyable year for athletics across the Third and Fourth Year teams. We began our season at home against Forest, Bancroft’s and New Hall to name a few and competed well against all the competition. As we progressed through the athletics season, our main goals were the Track & Field Cup and the Districts. The first round of the Track & Field was held at Melbourne Stadium in Chelmsford and the anticipation was high. The entire team was eager to qualify for the next round and it really showed when we performed our very best, qualifying for the Regional A final. The next round was again held at Melbourne and we were equally excited to have made it this far into the competition. Despite all the girls’ amazing efforts, we didn’t make it to the next round but still had a worthwhile experience. However, the highlight of our season came at the Districts when we won the Third Year girls, Fourth Year girls and overall girls’ trophies. We could not have been more pleased with our result, as all the hard work we had put in the training sessions and friendly competitions finally seemed to pay off. Our achievements are greatly down to the dedication of our coaches through the entire season, so a big thank you to Miss Morrell and Mrs Lazenby for your motivation to never let us give up and compete at our highest standards. By Freya Killilea MIDDLES Going through the school and doing athletics every year I feel like we did ourselves really proud this year with our performance. I will first start talking about Nationals. In the first round we performed extremely well by coming 1st, beating an extremely strong FitzWimarc. Outstanding performances go to Jem Ozkoch in hammer throw, throwing an extraordinary 41.18m and Rohan Van De Merwe running a 2 minute 10 second 800m. We then went on to the National A semi final, and we narrowly missed out on heading through to the National finals, but we still performed extremely well; Harrison Clayden ran a pb 24.3 200m and Rohan improved his time to 2 minutes 6 seconds in the 800m. We couldn’t have done any better; we won almost every category including our year (Fourth Year boys), the overall boys’ title and the overall combined boys’ and girls’ trophy so it was a very good showing. There were PBs across the board and we even had two boys winning the Victor Ludorum, Harrison winning 100m, triple jump and relay and myself winning 100m hurdles, high jump and relay. Overall I couldn’t be prouder of how we performed this year and I think this is only a base for the athletes coming through to build on and reach new heights. By Scott McKenzie