Brentwoodian 2019

76 NORTH It has been yet another successful year in terms of participation for North House who had the privilege to count among its members many talented individuals. Numerous musicians, artists, and athletes have been showing their skills in various events throughout the year and we were successful in several different disciplines. The musicians started the year with the prestigious House Music. Pupils diligently attended rehearsals at break, lunch and after school giving up a tremendous amount of time. The Part Song Can’t Buy Me Love was exquisitely sung, and conducted by Alex Evans. Our Ensemble piece was a Disney Pixar Medley conducted by Jack Marks. The pupils then delivered a great performance in the Unison choir singing 500 miles by The Proclaimers, which was conducted by Abi Chapman. Following House Music, the new House structure meant that new contemporary events were introduced alongside traditional events. The first House to offer exciting new activities was West House in the second half of the Michaelmas term. In public speaking, Finlay Pattison, Charlotte Grundy and Luke Degun argued the point that Santa is a good role model and brings hope and joy to people without wanting anything in return. It was very well debated and planned but sadly, we finished in 5th place. The Spelling Bee followed, and Max Golledge, Jake Horton, Matthew Hubbuck and Janie Horton represented North. We finished 4th. The new format of the Art challenge meant that many pupils were keen to get involved; North House had many volunteers across the age groups: Solari Robert-Tariah, Sophia West, Maddy Gale, Isabella Hall and Daisy Sparling. North finished joint 4th with South. North House week took place in January and started with the Squash tournament. The participants were Matthew Hubbuck, Rhys Jassar, Olivia Mitchell, Isabella Born and Imogen Pohl. North junior section finished 3rd. Room 101 was another one of the popular new contemporary events and pupils and teachers gathered in the Bean Lecture Theatre to explain what, in their eyes, deserved to be sent to room 101. Alice Grundy thought dogs made much better pet companions than cats and argued her point with humour and eloquence. Mrs Gray threw Tippex in room 101 and told us of her dislike of the white liquid; as for Mr Barfield, he had a lot to say about the selection of desserts offered here at the school! The most popular event and the best attended by the School community as a whole was the Lip Sync Competition. Each House entered a team who had to come up on stage and sing a song of their choice in synchronisation to the music and the lyrics. Back dancers were allowed, props and, more importantly, tons of enthusiasm were needed for the show. North had a team of girls lead by Rhea Mehta. It was a brilliant performance. Mrs Dearmer-Decup is already looking forward to helping organise the next show! Charlotte Elliston and Charlotte Grundy must be thanked for their continued dedication to the House. They have both shown enthusiasm and always stepped in at the last minute if needed. Indeed, in the swimming gala both girls swam the relay between the two of them, effectively swimming in a pair in what should have been a swim by four people. Charlotte and Charlotte are valued members of the House and they both deserve recognition and special thanks for their participation last year. Thanks to those various events North House raised money for the Sawyers Church, a local charity that we have supported for many years. House Track & Field Day was, as always, the highlight of the sporting year. Many records tumbled in our favour and performances from some of the pupils were nothing short of outstanding! The First Year girls, Second Year boys, Second Year girls, Fourth Year girls and Senior girls were all victorious in their sections. Our strong performances throughout the day meant North House was topping the scoreboard on a regular basis. Jess Philpot broke the record for the First Year girls 800m with a time of 2:34.75. Her brother, Rory, broke the Second Year boys’ 1500m record with a time of 4:43.90. Rory, along with Michael Olubodun-Niyi, Oluwadamilare Odelusi and Ore Fashesin-Souza, broke the Second Year boys’ 4x100m relay record with a time of 52.62. Cynthia Asiegbu broke the Second Year girls’ High Jump record with a height of 1.53m. Seun Fashesin-Souza broke the Third the only way is up! house motto North Charity Age UK