Brentwoodian 2019

77 Year boys’ Javelin record with a distance of 33.3m (not easy for an Irishman to say, that one). Archie Walker broke the Fourth Year boys’ Shot record with a distance of 12.29m. Despite the heroics of the North pupils, a shortage of Senior boys to participate in events meant we were just pipped at the post. A great day nonetheless, and many performances to be proud of. A great year. But, as is natural with school life, things and people move on. A massive thank you to our 2018-19 House Captains Alice Grundy, Max Golledge, Luke Degun, and Abi Chapman for their support and organisation. We wish them all the best in the future. Mr Michael Lewis, who was temporary Head of North House, has retired after five years at Brentwood School and over 40 years in total over his teaching career. We wish him all the best in his retirement. He is replaced by Mr Murphy, who is eager to lead North House to victory in the various events that the pupils will participate in in 2019-20, supported by the magnificent Mrs Dearmer-Decup. By Mr Murphy