Brentwoodian 2019

7 The Smile As once stated by Mark Twain “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Today, we live within a society which contains both good people and bad people. Some are investing all their time to helping others and making the world a better place. Sadly, however, some are committing crimes and disrupting our daily lives with negativity. To me, kindness means making a difference, no matter how small or big it may be, whether it be for a stranger, a friend or a loved one, a difference nonetheless. An act of kindness is not just an action but a choice. We all have this choice, the choice to say yes, and help another or to say no, and continue our daily routine. However, it is not only about what you do for another but also the motivation behind your actions. It is your choice, and solely yours, to help others without being asked or having any ulterior motives behind them. That you do something for someone else, without expecting anything in return for your actions is a real act of kindness. These are the choices we need more people to make in the world to create a kinder society. Although we try to go out of our way to make significant gestures, sometimes, it is the smaller things in life which truly make an impact. We all have good and bad days. However, when our minds are clouded by a train of negative thoughts, the small gesture of a smile from a stranger can be all we need to brighten our day. Smiling. A simple gesture, which I had not learned to fully appreciate until I was met by, not any typical smile, but a really genuine smile, a smile, which changed my view on life, a smile, filled with such gratitude, and such prosperity, that I could not stop a smile of my own from forming. This smile, given to me by an elderly man, who was on his deathbed and half-blind, held nothing but contentment and pure happiness. This smile, imprinted forever in my mind, is among the most significant reasons why we should work together to create a kinder society, for people of all ages, cultures and nationalities. Making an act of kindness will always have an impact, even if it is just a smile. By Inger Hansen (