Brentwoodian 2019

83 Mr McCann runs the House on the ethos of effort rather than attainment, although he is very very competitive, and so everyone is (strongly!) encouraged to give different activities a go, even if they are out of their comfort zone. By Robbie Woolterton (House Captain) East House enjoyed a fantastic Sports Day; though the end result had us in the middle of the pack at 4th, the camaraderie and effort put in by our teams was superb throughout. There were several commendable performances from our First Year boys, with 2nd place scores from Jonny Hourihan in the 1500m, Kylan Athithan in the Javelin, and Edward Shepherd in the Shot, while our First Year girls could celebrate the staggering victory of Bobbi Sumner’s amazing Discus throw, which smashed the competition by almost 3 clear metres. There were some great results from our Second Years, most notably Danielle Olaiya’s win in the 100m B event, and James Sydenham’s close-run 2nd place over 1500m. The performances of East House’s Fourth Years were outstanding, with wins coming from every corner - Azra Ozerin and Anisa Sarwar clinching victories in the 800m and Long Jump for the girls, while Tom Woodcock brought home the Hurdles gold for the boys. Two names loomed largest of all, however: Harrison Clayden topped the field in the Triple Jump, and obliterated his competition in the 100m, setting a school record of 11.3 seconds; Freya Kililea, meanwhile, took impressive wins in both the 100m and 300m, sealing her day of success with a stunning performance in the discus, winning the event and demolishing the School record by almost 4 clear metres with a throw of 30.24. We were thrilled by the results of our Sixth Formers, too. The roar of the crowd boosted Will Everest to a monumental performance in the 300m, one which would have won the event and set a new school record were it not for Weald’s Finlay Turner who snatched the win. Zach Davidson and Isabella Hick took 1st place in their B finals, while Connie Bell claimed the overall victory in the 300m. Amelia Carnaby-Hayes also prevailed over her rivals with a superior shot-put of 8.67m. Most impressive of all, however, was the depth of participation from East House competitors; Light- blue representatives took to the track and field in almost every event, across almost every age group, fearlessly spurred on by our new House Crest and motto. This was clearest from our Second and Third years - East House fielded more competitors from these year groups than any other house, demonstrating exemplary team spirit and support. This spirit can be seen throughout the House; we were thrilled and grateful to see Connie back after her exams to compete for her House one final time - the only Upper Sixth student to do so in any House. Athletes such as Elizabeth Hepburn-Braham, meanwhile, learned how to do a triple jump only moments before competing - she placed a respectable 3rd, refusing to let down her team-mates, and scoring valuable points. East House can be proud of the multiple records that were smashed in our name this summer, and must congratulate ourselves on the heroic team effort that characterised every one of our Sports Day performances. By Mr M Whetnall (Assistant Head of East House) It has been my pleasure to be both Housemaster and Head of East for a decade now and it’s fair to say that I love it just as much now, as we approach 2020, as I did back in 2008. Of course East isn’t about me or the other amazingly dedicated House staff. It’s about the student’s, young and old. We are a family. We continue to compete in the myriad of activities throughout the year, with passion, with virtue and of course with a sense of humour. Winning some of the events and indeed the House cup is always a little bonus to the academic year but the thing that we take most seriously is raising awareness and raising funds for our chosen charities. Jess Smith led her team of 4th Form ‘fundraisers’ with drive and passion and raised more money than most of the other pupils combined, by sourcing and selling a range of products throughout the year. Ice lollies were very popular in June! Adnan and Salman Yaqub supported East’s Charity Week by setting up a charity stall - full of sweets, chocolates, games and a raffle. The food went within 10 minutes of the stall opening and the raffle was very popular, as the winning prize was a £15 Amazon voucher! The lunch-time BINGO was not as popular, however still earning us the money for charity! At the end of the day, we managed to raise a good £102.56 which was a great achievement for us in one break and lunchtime! On 3rd July, Adnan, Salman and Faris Fahal organised a soak the teacher charity event at Sports Day. The event’s aim was to raise money for the suicide prevention charity and the East House charity, Papyrus. After organising and preparing for many days, the day arrived and thirteen brave and willing teachers were allocated a time during the day. Wet sponges were flying in all directions throughout the day and the stall came to a standstill when the teachers took it upon themselves to throw the sponges back at the paying pupils. The brave efforts of our beloved teachers and students allowed us to raise £155 for Papyrus and have a great and fun day for all to remember. I would personally like to thank Connie Bell and Cameron Smith for being really supportive and hard working House Captains. In many regards its down to them to motivate their peers and give the House the flavour that it has. We welcome Mr Whetnall on board to join Miss Cooper and very sadly must say farewell to Miss Lovelock - she embodied so many of the characteristics and values that make East great and we will miss her greatly. By Mr McCann (Head of East House)