Brentwoodian 2019

8 Head of School Mr Mayor, Mr Straw, Chairman and Governors, Headmaster, Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow pupils. So this marks the end of another fabulous year. Over the course of the year, we ran, sang, danced, acted, fenced, scored tries and netted goals. But we have also learned, reflected, debated, been tested, and on the whole, experienced Brentwood School to the fullest. Now we are here at the end of the year, and how far we have come. For some, it is the end of another year in the Brentwood journey, but for others, like myself, today marks the end of a longer journey. While we have as individuals progressed beyond what we could fathom at the beginning, it is important to recognise, and show our appreciation for the people who have helped us get to where we are now. I would like to thank Jack Straw for firstly, finding time in his busy schedule to attend Speech Day, present the prizes and address us. I would also like to thank him for his reflections about the School, emphasising the importance of inclusivity within the School. I enjoyed his return last year to talk about Brexit, although the country is distracted from Brexit right now, and it was a privilege to hear him speak again. As far as the School being Conservative in the early sixties - you could say it still is. But that is a debate for a different day. Let me give special mention and thanks to the community that is Brentwood School. This community is one that goes beyond the students in this room, beyond the students in a classroom on any particular day. It expands to every single contributor to the School past and present, from the students, staff to the Headmaster. It reaches beyond into the wider community and society at large. Days like this help us to really "Be yourself and take it to the world." appreciate what we have as a community - the wealth of talent, skill and opportunity that exists is tremendous. But more importantly, the students truly embody the values that the School was founded upon - virtue, learning and manners. This is a real team effort and I would like, on behalf of all the students here, to thank our teachers for developing our love of learning, and contributing not only to our minds, but also our character and hearts, our gifts and talents. Our thanks go, too, to the Chairman and the Governors of the School, who make such a great contribution to the continued development of the Brentwood we know today. This is the part of the speech where I thank the Headmaster, Mr Davies. I know everyone will agree when I say he has been an excellent Headmaster. You may miss the qualities of the School, the enthusiasm, the dynamism. But we will miss you, due to the work you have done here - with and for us. He has supported all aspects of school life, from helping students achieve their very best academically, to demonstrating a huge commitment to co-curricular activities – from sports fixtures to public speaking finals, to evensongs. He never fails to endow students with calm, yet precise sound advice and direction. He has given so many people opportunities they would not otherwise have had. Some of you know the story, but I literally would not be here if not for him and his advice, and I know we would not be here as a community if not for your guidance. The School will be forever indebted and grateful to you for your time, Mr Davies - we wish you a very happy retirement. Thank you so much. Thank you to my team of Praepostors for their contributions over the years to the smooth running of the School, and for being fine role models for the younger years. I especially want to thank my team of Deputies for all their work. Honestly, the School would not be the same without them. Parents; the importance of your support and encouragement is often overlooked. You’ve seen the best and the worst of us, yet still push us to give our all while we are here. Your time at fixtures, concerts, parents’ evening and beyond - including driving us to and from all of the above - does not go unappreciated. Your contribution towards our future has been invaluable - thank you. As I finish, I leave you with a final thought: Always strive to grow, but never compromise who you are. Be yourself and take it to the world. It is the people who stay true to themselves who go the furthest, inspire the most, have the greatest impact, and leave the greatest legacy. I wish you all a safe journey home and a fantastic summer - here’s to what is next. Here’s to the future. Thank you. Victor Sarpong