Brentwoodian 2019

89 This year has been a successful academic year; congratulations to all the Mill Hill girls for accomplishing a range of achievements. Since we are approaching the end of the year, we waved farewell to Nadia Katevska, Victoria Perini and Adeline Zhao, our beloved House Captains. As a representative of the House, I take this opportunity to thank them for their kindness and support towards our girls. We also say goodbye to Rosa Xu, Vilanna Chan, Chloe Player and Valeria Nulli; they will be sorely missed. After many years, we are sorry to say goodbye to our House Tutors, Mrs Sian Schwar, Miss Michelle Choate and Miss Rachel Worth. Mrs Schwar is one of the loveliest people that we have ever met, particularly her signature smiley face and her gentle voice; she is always willing to help no matter what aspect of life it is. Miss Choate, with her empathic and enthusiastic attitude, has influenced us all throughout her time helping in the boarding house and always enjoys a biscuit from the biscuit jar. Miss Worth is the most caring and the funniest person that we could ask for, making us laugh in every assembly without fail. ‘Happy Tuesday!!!’ will always be different without you but we promise you your tradition will live on! We take this opportunity to wish them all every happiness and success. Finally and most importantly, we would like to offer our warmest send off to Mr Mark Monro and Mrs Jackie Monro, our Housemaster and Housemistress. Mr Monro, thank you for spending many evenings with us offering help and advice; we treasure every single one of them, especially your endless debates with Rosa about philosophy and the truth of the universe. Mrs Monro, you have helped us overcome our homesickness and provided us with motherly love, your constant shouting of ‘Full bed change!!!’ ensured our House ran smoothly and effectively. Please visit us, and we look forward to our next date! We are also delighted to welcome Mr Tim Cope and Mrs Katie Cope, our new Housemaster and Housemistress, together with Miss Annabel Simpson and Dr Christina Tsaknaki, our new House Tutors to our Mill Hill Family. We would also like to express our continued thanks to Miss Siobhan Coady for all her invaluable support over the past year. Next year, I am privileged to be appointed as Head of House and with the assistance of my Deputies, Chloe Ho and Vittoria Gallina, we three musketeers will bring victory and harmony to the House - continuing the golden legacy of ensuring every single one of the girls wears a smile on their face (not forced of course). With our persistence and experience, Mr and Mrs Cope have literally nothing to worry about. We, as Mill Hill girls, will continue to demonstrate the outstanding ability to combine academic commitments with extracurricular activities. The atmosphere in the House will also continue to be vibrant, reflecting a family environment where every one of us is supportive of each other. The sense of unity, camaraderie and energy in Mill Hill House will undoubtedly drive us towards another successful year, and we look forward to it! By Ashley Li (Head of House) MILL HILL life through friendship house motto