Brentwoodian 2019

93 CHAPEL The African saying: “a person becomes a person because of people"; is a clear reminder of the importance of others in our own lives and of the way in which our shared life helps shape the person we can become. At Brentwood, there is much talk of community and our commitment to gather in Chapel each week, marks our determination to nurture this common life together. This past year has seen a temporary change in our pattern of Chapel with the closure of the Chapel for the year due to building work in the reception area. Whilst this has prevented the use of the Chapel space, ‘Chapel’ has still taken place for much of the year where possible. Our weekly services continue to provide an important moment of stillness and reflection during a busy community life and a moment where we all gather, regardless of our faith perspective. Our theme for Michaelmas Term, 2018, was ‘Educating for Life’ with a close examination of four key pillars of education – Dignity and Respect; Community; Hope and Aspiration and Wisdom and Knowledge. During the Lent term, 2019, we studied the famous painting by Rembrandt ‘The Return of the Prodigal Son’ and were invited to see within it the importance of a shared life that places emphasis on love and forgiveness. In the Trinity term, our focus moved to the importance of ‘speaking out’ to challenge injustice and to stand up for those whose voice is often not heard. The beginning of year services in Brentwood Cathedral took place at a time when the world was mourning the loss of the legendary singer, Aretha Franklin. Aretha Franklin’s gift for singing was one she never took for granted, and this left us with much to reflect upon. Remembrance 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of The Armistice and we gathered as a school to remember those who gave their lives in conflicts. Our First Year students led the School in a separate Act of Remembrance to commemorate this anniversary where the names of Old Brentwoods who lost their lives in the First World War were read out. The pattern of special services throughout the school year has been disrupted this year with the Chapel closure but we are very much looking forward to resuming a pattern of services to which the entire school community of pupils, parents, families and OBs are most welcome. There will be a candle-lit Advent Service on 1 st December at 4pm and I very much look forward to welcoming many of the community to our Christmas Eve Carol service taking place at 4pm on 24th December. The Chapel Choir continues to grow and develop and the temporary closure of the Chapel led us to take the choir to St Thomas’ Church in Brentwood where they led two services of Choral Evensong. The reopening of Chapel in November 2019 will be marked with two services of Evensong on 14th and 21st November at 5pm to which all are welcome. By Rev Adrian McConnaughie