Brentwoodian 2019

96 Junior Colloquium JSABs (Junior Sir Antony Browne Society) has provided us with a range of thought-provoking and advanced discussions over the course of the last few years. Junior Colloquium takes place weekly on Mondays and JSABs on Tuesdays at 1st lunch. From learning about the heritage of Notre Dame and ‘Is it worth the build?’ to heated debates about the use of harmful gas in warfare has continued to enhance our education intellectually, which is useful in some subjects and in others it provokes us to pursue further research. For example, we had a recent talk about the rainforests of Brazil, which was extremely relevant in conjunction with the up-and-coming concern for our climate in global warming. The two Sixth Formers (as every week) confidently and passionately shared their comprehensive argument for each side before coming to a (hard) judgement, and no one sits on the fence. The beauty of these talks is the ability to make someone interested in all sorts of different philosophical or logical concepts which we would never be interested in or learn about in our day- to-day lives. It provides such depth of enrichment in that short 30 minutes every week, and leaves us all with a lot to ponder for the rest of our day, and remains the highlight of my week. So, what will you find out about this week? By Cameron Davies JSABS & Junior Colloquium appreciate the fact that all of our views, however left or indeed left of centre, are listened to and valued. I would encourage all of the current and future Sixth Form to similarly gain from this exercise in intellectual gymnastics. And yet all good things must come to an end (the good thing here being my Chairmanship, if I do say so myself ! ) but I have absolute and total confidence that Ethan Cooper is the right man to fill my shoes and stamp his own unique style on SABS as our new Chairman. By Alice Grundy Teflon DSA Awards On the 23rd of January I competed in the Keen Young Cooks Teflon DSA Awards. It was a huge achievement for me to represent my school on the national stage. The final was held at the Waitrose Cookery School in London. This was amazing as I had the opportunity to work with extremely talented professionals and used the equipment they use on a day-to-day basis. The judging panel consisted of many Professionals and Julie Walters, seen on This Morning and Ready Steady Cook . Although I did not win this Competition, it was a huge honour to be shortlisted into the best 13 young cooks in the country. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I look forward to entering this competition again next year. By James Jupp For BAC week 2019, the theme was healthy eating; students took part in a ‘Who "nose" the smell’ competition at lunchtime in The Bean Academic Centre. They had to identify a range of herbs and spices as part of a blind smelling test. The winner was First Year, Adelola Osindero, who won a cookery book. Taking part in the competition with Ms Picton is First Year, Kitty Chalk. There was also a healthy eating quiz available to all and the winner with 18/20 was Shreyas, a Year 6 pupil who was visiting the School with his father, although, as you can see from the photo, he did have some help. Current pupil winners were Second Years Matthew Trevelyan and Jack Leonard with 15/20 each. BAC Food & Nutrition Week