the experience was very enjoyable and challenging. Now, everyone wants to learn how to drive. All the instructors were quite impressed by some of our skills. We had a fun time, learning the basics of fundamental skills. In conclusion, I would like to say an immense THANK YOU to our Houseparents Mr and Mrs Cope that in some way they manage to balance their life with the life of 16 hectic teenagers. If the House is a nice environment to be in it is all thanks to them and their dedication. Also, an enormous THANK YOU to our amazing tutors, Miss Spriggs, Miss Preston, Miss Parsliffe and of course Mrs SimpsonCrick. We wish a wonderful new and adventurous year to Mrs Simpon-Crick; we all know that she will be an amazing mum. To Miss Parsliffe we hope that she is going to have an amazing time with us, we know that she is going to be great, and finally to Miss Spriggs and Miss Preston; keep doing the amazing job that you are already doing. All of you are superstars to the Mill Hill girls. By Carlotta Foiani 153