house credit card when the underpants were discovered in a neat pile in Chester’s room. Chester’s room: The Black Hole of Hough. Despite all of this, you could not help but love Chester: what you saw is what you got. Chester had a heart of gold; he was an amazing mathematician and loved Physics. He was often seen sitting at the whiteboard with a group of Year 9s around him as he explained the answer to a mathematical problem or clarified some Physics theory with his quirky diagrams and spidery writing. And this year they have all gone. Just before Christmas we took the boarders to see The Lion King, and there is a line from the show which goes: “It’s the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding.” It sums up perfectly the cycle I am writing about. These wonderful boys who have left this year have, I hope, found their place, and the space which for a time felt so empty has been filled with the sounds and faces of the next generation. We have Alberto Patino, our fantastic new Head of House, supported by his erstwhile Deputies, Behshad Mobasheri and Armin Ramhorst. And there are new characters emerging now the path is cleared and the cycle begins all over again. 157