Brentwoodian 2022

House BAC Week South House BAC Week ran in the penultimate week of the Lent Term. It was a busy but successful week filled with the Upper Sixth Quiz, Chess, Squash, Waterpolo, and FIFA - our headline event. In addition to this, St Francis Hospice visited to run JSABS and Junior Colloquium; students were given the opportunity to learn more about the charity and to meet one of the fundraising coordinators to hear about what happens to funds raised. Our Upper Sixth Quiz Team, made up of Connor Bartell, Samuel Pepper and Alex Mead, came second in a hotly-contested final against East. We won our headline event, FIFA, with Mr Childs’ superb performance in the final securing our win. A massive thank you to Mr Childs and Mr Wright for all that they did to coordinate the FIFA events! Mr Wood ran the House Squash competition in which we finished fourth overall. Staff and students had the opportunity to compete and there were some very competitive games played. Our Charity Waterpolo competition was won by South and this event raised muchneeded funds for St Francis Hospice. The week would not have been the success it was without the many, many people involved. Thank you to the staff and the students who ran events, played in events and supported events - without your support, we could not have done it. 173