Brentwoodian 2022

Brentwood School updated its Careers Programme last year (2021-2022). This improved version ensures all students have a solid career foundation by engaging in careerdeveloping opportunities each academic year. Brentwood School’s 2021 Careers Pathway Guide also details all major career fields, as well as the requirements to pursue them. Both the guide and Careers Programme ensure Brentwood School supplies each student with a rich pool of information to assist in their career pathway. Throughout each year, there are Bean Academic Centre (BAC) Weeks, which celebrate subject departments within the School, and often extend beyond the academic presence of topics, such as History or French BAC Week. During these weeks, optional activities are set, music is played and food is served all to do with the topic of choice. BAC week activities can be attended by anyone of any year in Brentwood School; integrating these events into the student experience widens their academic understanding of certain topics and can open doors to a potential career. Each year a Careers Convention is held for those in Year 10 and above, in which career representatives speak to students about what it is like to work in their field. Notable representatives from GlaxoSmithKline, Pinney Talfourd, The Independent, and many more have presented to students in the past. There is also a Careers Convention Week, where students Years 7-9 engage in subject-specific careers lessons. Careers 204