Brentwoodian 2022

Brentwood School also works with InvestIN, a company equally passionate about furthering students’ careers by giving them specialist opportunities from a range of academic subjects from Law to STEM. Brentwood hosts InvestIN talks in Years 7 and 8, and also later in the Lower Sixth for a refresher, or introduction for any newcomers. There are also talks on careers and university life in Years 9 and 10, prior to the use of Unifrog and UCAS, to assist in the transition from Senior School to Sixth Form, and eventually a university or apprenticeship. As early as Year 10 students start to use Unifrog, a platform that holds the world’s biggest database of post-16 and post-18 opportunities. Unifrog covers all career types, such as traineeships, degrees (Intermediate, Advanced and Higher), apprenticeships, and every course taught in Further Education Colleges. Additionally, work experience, seminars, and encounters with Further Education providers are regularly posted on Unifrog to give students the maximum amount of opportunities without the task of individually seeking them out. Any Sixth Form students applying to Oxford or Cambridge are assigned a personal, subject-specific mentor to aid in the application process. Similarly, those who look to pursue competitive fields such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary science will receive advice starting in Year 10 until their application is complete. Brentwood School’s MDV Team provides support for students taking the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) and BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT). All Sixth Form students are also introduced to the University and College Admission Service (UCAS). At the start of Sixth Form, students attend a UCAS advisory day to prepare them for applying for universities at the end of Key Stage 5. UCAS guides students through the later stages of their career development at Brentwood School by assisting them in choosing universities or apprenticeships, as well as writing their personal statement. Each student has an 205