Brentwoodian 2022

The Voluntary Service Activity continues to go from strength-to-strength and it was fantastic this year to be able to get back out into the community more than we were able to during the pandemic. Of course, the start of the year still brought some challenges with regards to COVID, but we were determined to make change and help others wherever possible. One of the highlights of this year was being able to visit Hutton View Care Home again, bringing joy to the residents with weekly visits and bi-weekly music concerts. We even did a carol concert around the tree at Christmas, which made up for the fact we were unable to run our Christmas party for the second year. In addition, we partnered with a local women’s refuge through the charity Changing Pathways; students were able to visit one of the safehouses and paint their conservatory and living room in bright, welcoming colours. We also set up a connection between the Art department and the charity, where students will continue to produce artwork for the safehouses to hang on their walls. We also continued with our ‘core’ activities, such as the Community Garden and Eco Committee. The Community Garden group were in demand, with not only their own vegetable patches needing their green fingers, but the Headmaster also asked for them to be in charge of reinventing his allotment! A key event in the Community Garden calendar was choosing and planting a copper beech tree for the Courage Hall field, as part of the Jubilee Canopy initiative. The group even chose their own plaque VSA 208