Brentwoodian 2022

which will be placed over the top of where they planted the tree, and buried a VSA time capsule, for future generations to see. The Eco Committee had some exciting new projects, such as propagating spider plants to give out to staff, and creating a presentation and cake sale for Earth week. The presentation was delivered to Prep School pupils, as part of our ongoing collaboration. Indeed, for our October Field Day, some students went to the Prep to help carve pumpkins with the Forest School group! Our Amnesty International group continued to discuss poignant human rights issues and advocate for those whose voices are not heard. They completed a series of the Amnesty courses, and also put together some beautiful posters on issues they felt needed to be addressed by society, such as gender inequality and LGBTQ+ rights. Finally, our British Sign Language partnership with Positive Signs continued, but with an exciting development; this year, for the first time five Sixth Form students were able to take their Level 101 qualification in the language, so they can now help other students learn this important skill. Our Field Days and wider outreach were greatly enjoyed too; in October, all students spent the morning working on projects to combat the ‘Plastic Ocean’ epidemic. In the afternoon of the first day, the group split up into the Prep visitors and the Billericay Community Gardeners. On the following day, we enjoyed a wonderful range of 209