Brentwoodian 2022

Every year cadet units from across the 7 Brigade region, from Derbyshire to Essex, are invited by the Cadet Training Team to join together and compete in two days’ worth of tough exercises which test the skills and knowledge of senior cadets. Weeks upon weeks of specialist training is required beforehand to enter the competition, as you will be going up against some of the best cadet units in the country. Exercise Combat Cadet involves 22 teams (of nine cadets) from across 7th Infantry Brigade’s area of responsibility. This includes roughly 7,500 cadets from both CCFs in schools and ACFs from each of the nine counties. The aim is to pit the best cadets from each school or detachment against one another in a number of areas. The first day is a tactical patrol covering 11 different stands testing the Army Proficiency Syllabus and the ability of our senior cadets in leadership roles. The second day is a 1.5 km run followed by the obstacle course and ending with a shoot – all completed back to back and timed. COMBINED CADET FORCE 211