Brentwoodian 2022

was waiting in the GROB TUTOR plane and then we took off. It was such a brilliant experience as I was able to see everything around me through the canopy. The pilot let me take control for parts of the flight and, at some points, neither of us had control - which was less scary than you would think. Luckily, the weather had cleared up after the rain and clouds from earlier so I was able to do some aerobatics. Hanging upside down meant I could see the fields below through the canopy roof. Then came the first loop which was such a strange feeling as I went through all the different levels of G force. After this, the pilot suggested I have a turn at taking the controls and flying a loop myself, which was the best part of the whole day. My first loop was a little wobbly, but my second try was better. I couldn’t believe that I was able to fly in a loop on my first time up in a plane. After the aerobatics, the pilot took control again and made the plane fly some barrel rolls and turns before flying around the whole area, then back to the base. The view was beautiful, especially seeing the huge reservoir which looked tiny from so high up. I am so grateful for such an amazing opportunity and will never forget the experience. By Cadet Elsie Playle 217