Brentwoodian 2022

Kimberly Herterich Teacher of Dance Ms Herterich inspired generations of dancers at Brentwood School and was integral in raising the standard of Dance in the School over many years. Her dedication to her students, passion for her craft and love of performing knows no bounds. She assisted in the annual Dance Show, where hundreds of young dancers across various genres perform to audiences. Ms Herterich also choreographed dozens of whole-school musicals over the years, from Chicgao to West Side Story, with each level of Dance being nothing but professional. We wish her so much happiness in her new life in Dubai and know that she goes with the best wishes of thousands of Brentwood students past and present. Zeta Hill Head of Year, Teacher of Classics Mrs Hill arrived in 2011 and completed her teacher training here at Brentwood School. Following this, she quickly became a big part of the School, participating in many areas of school life, from the CCF to Hockey. Her adamant nature made us all truly believe that West House was the best. For the last seven years, Mrs Hill worked in the pastoral system, first as Deputy Head of Sixth Form, and then moving on to be Head of Year 9. A highly skilled and utterly dependable teacher, Mrs Hill taught all three Classics factions: Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation. She is an irreplaceable asset to the School and will be greatly missed. 17 years 11 years 219