Brentwoodian 2022

Eliza Stimpson Teacher of Art Miss Stimpson arrived at Brentwood six years ago as an artist in residence, before completing her qualifications. In her time she helped develop various House activities, such as the successful Sports Day art tent and the production of the House flags seen flying above the Pavilion. In the classroom her calm, supportive manner consistently developed strong, high-performing GCSE students, preparing them well for A Level or IB. She leaves Brentwood to pursue a different career path to teaching: becoming an artist. We wish her well. Matt Bulmer Director of Performing Arts Mr Bulmer was Director of Performing Arts at Brentwood School for the last six years, making a lasting impact on the Arts provision. During his time, we saw a tremendous growth in numbers participating in drama, dance and music, thanks to the development of an industry-leading annual performance schedule. Perhaps most universally known for his annual winter musical, Mr Bulmer’s visionary directing style knew no bounds as the School enjoyed professional quality productions involving hundreds of students, ranging from West Side Story to Les Misérables. His plays will live forever in the memories of students and staff at Brentwood, and his prestigious talent for the written word will be sorely missed. 6 years 220