Brentwoodian 2022

Alison Hall Teacher of German, French, Dutch and EAL Ms Hall joined the Languages Department at Brentwood School in 2018. She is an exceptional teacher, whose commitment to promoting success was an inspiration. She was also an excellent linguist, who taught German, French, English as an Additional Language and Dutch, and she was a true asset to the Department, always willing to support both her students and her colleagues in a calm and caring manner. She will be greatly missed, but we wish her all the best in her welldeserved retirement. Martin Howard Teacher of History and Politics Mr Howard joined the school in September 2018 and was a much-valued colleague and teacher of both History and Politics. Students throughout the School benefitted from his exceptional teaching and from his dry sense of humour. He supported colleagues across the School through his work with the VSA, playing a key role in the idea of using the green spaces in the School as a productive space for students. He left us to be Head of History and Politics at Millfield School. Lauren Austen, Director of Sixth Form Miss Austen joined the School as Head of Year 8 and member of the English Department. From the start, she was a calm, guiding presence and an accomplished classroom teacher. She always had time for her Year 8 students and was a wise mentor to many. Miss Austen was then promoted 4 years 3 years 222