Brentwoodian 2022

Lucy Reeder Teacher of PE Ms Reeder was in the PE Department for just two years, but made a huge impact in her short time here. She made great strides with the girls’ cricket and girls’ football programmes, working closely with the heads of sport to create enjoyable and varied fixture cards. She also worked incredibly hard on the BTEC course, teaching both the coursework and examined units to Sixth Form pupils who flourished under her guidance. Not content with just being part of the busy PE life, she was involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, leading planning sessions as well as going on expeditions. Ms Reeder is off to have an exciting new adventure in Thailand, and we wish her all the best. Ella Parry Teacher of PE Ms Parry joined Brentwood in September 2021, making a lasting impact on the PE Department, taking part in a long list of endeavours, from helping out in the library, running a successful Netball programme, and occasionally teaching Economics. We thank her for everything she did for staff and students at Brentwood School. Eva Scholtz Teacher of Mathematics Ms Scholz joined the Maths Department in September 2021 and soon became involved in many activities in the school, including Dance and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. She helped to facilitate the mentoring for the Year 11s. Ms Scholz is moving back to Germany to continue teaching closer to her family, and we wish her all the best. 1 year or less 225