Brentwoodian 2022

Andrew North Teacher of Chemistry Dr North joined the Chemistry Department a little over a year ago, settling into his new role instantly. During the short time he was with us, he established strong relationships with staff, pupils as well as parents, and all while giving out the most detentions in the Department’s history - this title will certainly be difficult to beat! Dr North’s presence at Brentwood stretched further than just in the Chemistry classroom. hosting Oxbridge sessions, homework club as well as science club. We wish Dr North all the best at his new school, The Perse. Timothy Conlan Teacher of Mathematics Mr Conlan joined the Maths Department in September 2021, quickly engaging with the School chess team, supporting competitions and representing Weald in House matches. He was involved in the Year 7 Maths club, as well as the cricket in the school. Mr Conlan is leaving to go travelling, and we wish him well in the next phase of his life. Jenny Milne Teacher of German Ms Milne started in the German Department one year ago, where her classes enjoyed her inventive teaching style, and, being an Old Brentwood, allowed her to quickly become a respected and valued member of staff, and the Department was able to benefit from her experience and innovative ideas and resources. She will be greatly missed, but we understand that she would like to focus on her family life at this time. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and hope that she will keep in touch. 226